I'm a little confused on the whole Vietnam war thing, or any war for that matter. War freaking pisses me off, because it is stupid and not necessary. At times you might think the only thing left to do is attack, but it never gets you anywhere. What has going over into Iraq gotten anybody? We can't even get ourselves out because we are to busy establishing a new government after we destroyed the old one. It is not our duty to decide how other nations should run their country. If they are screaming for help then perhaps we should try to do something in a way that doesn't promote the loss of lives. I can understand how the notion for war comes to mind, because hell after 9/11 I wanted to kick some butt, but it doesn't prove anything. Everybody knows that the U.S.A is the most powerful country in the world. And in the 9/11 situation I think the best thing to do would have been to get on the news and make those people feel guilty. I believe everybody is born with a sense of what is right and wrong. Those people who crashed those planes believed they were dieing for a purpose, but If you talk logically things just have to click in your head. My mom's best tool is not to ground me or take anything away, because she knows that people will do what they want, but to instill what is right in the world and let me make my own decisions. When i mess up her disappointment in me is what tears me up inside. I know a lot of things that I have discussed here may not be the truth, but it's just how I feel. I also know everything is a lot deeper than I made it seem, but what isn't in life, and it is up to us to try to make some sort of sense out of things.