Thursday, March 27, 2008

Week 10 Open Post

After the first couple of pages of the novel “In Country”, you can notice how the American consumer society is emphasized. In the first page only, seven trade marks are mentioned, from cigarettes to gas stations to food restaurants. In the rest of the book the author specifies what brand of soda a character is drinking or what specific TV show they are watching.
I think it is amazing how society has become a commercial and consumer society. Everything is about what brand of food you are eating, where you are eating, what you are watching, and what you are consuming. The author says “He smokes Kents” (3), instead of just saying that someone is having a smoke. Also, instead of just mentioning a cap, she says “Sam spotted Emmett’s Pepsi cap (75). She specifies the brand. This shows how brands are so important to people now. Maybe she writes this way so that the reader can relate to what they are consuming, or maybe it is just her way of writing. Still it makes you think how today’s society is such a commercial one.


Jack said...

Big brother is watching us while advertisers and commercials are controlling us. I could not agree with you any more. The western culture in general has become wrapped up in a commercialized society. I can not point the finger either as i have fallen and continue to fall to this trend. Where are we going is the question? I am often afraid to see.

Ashley Wiederkehr said...

Ameria has become a way, it's kind of sad. I know in high school, all the "cool" kids dressed in Abercrombie and Express. All of them used name brand things, just for the name. I remember my brother wouldn't buy clothes unless they were name brand. It always made me wonder why. I believe it's to show power. Those who can afford the expensive name brand items and use the name brand things have more power and are looked up to in our society. It's sad, but it's the way it is.