Thursday, March 27, 2008

Week 10 - Open Topic

Over the last nine weeks I have been raving about how much I hate war. Today I am asking you all for your forgiveness, for I have found a few things that are positive from war. Aside from the stories of torture, financial burdens, blood, sufferings, and lives full of misery, there really are a few great things that war has given us. First and foremost, camouflage or camo as the fashion world describes it. Camo has become the new black for teenage boys, only the other day did I see a high school student proudly wearing his camo shorts and matching camo backpack, how cool. Shops such as Abercrombie and Fitch and American Eagle have picked up on the camo trend and turned there entire summer short collection into a combat zone. I once tried a pair of camo shorts on due to my girlfriends recommendation but looked in the mirror and thought I looked like a giant leaf. Maybe camo just is not my color, or maybe I tried on the wrong shade of tree, I will try the camo trend again as deep down I do like the look. Next on my list of war goodies is dog tags. While waiting for my girlfriend the other day in the mall, I strolled around the men's jewelry section and came across a pair of dog tags for a enormous 300 dollars. Are dog tags cool and if so why did I not receive the memo? Designer dog tags are the new cool thing and I just can not see myself asking for a pair of Gucci dog tags. Aside from my confusion over this trend they seem to be doing well and popping up in every designer showcase. Last but not least is video games. The other day I was around my friends house and within 45 minuets I had bombed five countries and been labeled "Jack the communist". The trend of imagining your are leading your army into battle and fighting 5,000 troops single handily is the new cool thing and yet again I did not know it was "sweet" to do so. So its fair to say War is great, it has given me a sense of fashion, a way to look more manly and what I should be doing in my free time. Oh War how I love you.


Ashley Wiederkehr said...

You always have such amazing open posts. I would love to be inside your mind when you come up with the ideas...I absolutely love reading them. With that said...this post was great. I was confused for the first couple of lines thinking "how can anything positive come out of war???"...but then I read your post, and I agree with you. Along those lines come the patriotism countries show during war (at least at the beginning) and the support the troops get. I think those are also some positives of war.

Anonymous said...

I love the sarcasm Jack! This was such an entertaining post. I think that it is completely ridiculous that we, as a nation, can live with ourselves after we have trivialized the notion of war down to a mere fashion statement and mindless pastime. We talk about “Supporting our Troops” and the nobility associated with fighting for your country, yet we take symbols of the military and put them to meaningless use. They might as well cut the American flag into a pair of shorts and create a video game that involves shooting the bald eagle, because that would be equivalent to the level of respect we are giving the entire concept of war in today’s society.

Cristina Ortega said...

The moment I started reading your post I sensed the sarcasm was great! Haha. But that only shows more how war has absolutely no positive side. If you stop to think about there really ANYTHING good about war? Even if at the end there was a good outcome after a war...was all the killing and distroying worth it?

clcook said...

Very nice post Jack, quite innovative. I think that the camo fashion, dog tags and video games are the commercial industry's way of tapping into the consumers view of war. how many time have you heard a girl say "guys in uniform are so hot" so why not make camo part of our new fashion line. The dog tags are like retainers and glasses in elementary school. It really sucked if you were the person with the responsibility of having to wear them all the time. But the novelty of having something that noone else did made the people who didn't have them want them...I was the kid with both and it sucked!